@inproceedings{10.1109/ICSE43902.2021.00126, title = {RAICC: Revealing Atypical Inter-Component Communication in Android Apps}, author = {J. Samhi and A. Bartel and T. F. Bissyande and J. Klein}, year = 2021, month = may, booktitle = {2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, pages = {1398--1409}, doi = {10.1109/ICSE43902.2021.00126}, isbn = 9781450390859, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE43902.2021.00126}, numpages = 12, keywords = {analytical models;tools;security;leak detection;task analysis;standards;software engineering} }