Ph.D. in Computer Science
(official supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tegawendé F. Bissyandé)
Investigating LLMs to improve Android Security.
Ph.D. in Computer Science
(official supervisor: Prof. Dr. John Grundy)
Static Analysis of Android apps.
Ph.D. in Computer Science
(official supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jacques Klein)
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Android apps.
Ph.D. in Computer Science
(official supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jacques Klein)
Static Analysis of Android apps.
Master's degree in Computer Science
Learning the effects of software changes.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Science
Exploring dynamic analysis for Android apps.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Science
On the impact of Vulnerabilities in the Odoo Platform.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Science
Detecting Hidden Files and Code in Android apps.
Master's degree in Computer Science
Static Analysis Of Client-side JavaScript Code To Detect Server-side Business Logic Vulnerabilities.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Science
Empirical study to characterize file usage in Android apps.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Science
Detecting Javascript Vulnerabilities using Static Analysis.
Master's degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Business development of a spin-off project.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Science
Digging the Android Framework to find ways to Trigger Logic Bombs.
Engineering degree in Software Security
Automatically extracting logic bomb's guarded code using static analysis to build minimal Android app for further dynamic analysis.
Master's degree in Software Security
Manual characterization of Android malware families using reverse-engineering tools.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Science
Manual characterization of Android malware families using reverse-engineering tools.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Security, Networks and Virtual Architectures
Extracting Android apps information and building efficient query interface for selecting apps matching specific characteristics.
Master's degree in Information and Computer Science
Mining source code samples from Pastebin public data.
Bachelor in Information and Computer Science
Machine-learning based characterization of Android Malware.